Future Focus: Media, Technology, Education
Freshman Convocation
With the theme of Ready Player One, I was delighted to be invited to address the Freshman Convocation at West Texas A&M. This is a great institution and it was a privilege to spend time there and meet with students, introducing them to VR.

Google DNI
In 2016, I secured funding from Google to build a virtual reality game as part of the Digital News Initiative. Set in Coventry, the Blitz VR project has been experienced by around 1000 visitors, using it as both an educational and news tool to understand history.

Select publications
Films & Publications
Jones, S., Dawkins, S. and McDougalll, J. 2022. Understanding Virtual Reality for Media Education. Routledge. Publication: October 2022.
Jones, S. et al. Immersive Journalism. Routledge. November 2019.
Jones, S. 2019. Towards the Essence of Cinematic VR: Embracing New Technologies to Define a Medium. In Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (pp. 321-335). Springer, Cham.
Jones, S., & Dawkins, S. 2018. Walking in someone else’s shoes: creating empathy in the practice of immersive film. Media Practice and Education, 19(3), 298-312.
Jones, S. and Dawkins, S. 2017. Shameful Conquest. Los Angles Cinefest. (August 2017) , KremFest Virtual Reality (September 2017), Dublin WebFest (November 2017).
Jones, S. and Williams, T. 2017. The Town that Blew Away. Aesthetica Film Festival (November 2017), Tacoma Film Festival (October 2017), Los Angles Cinefest (August 2017).
Jones, S and Dawkins, S. 2017. The Sensorama Revisited: Evaluating the application of multi-sensory input on the sense of presence in 360-degree immersive film in virtual reality. In Virtual Reality, Springer. September 2017.
Jones, S and Dawkins, S. 2017. Layers of Immersion: applying non-visual interfaces to create virtual embodiment within 360-degree film. Journal of Computers. June 2017.
Jones, S and Dawkins, S. 2017. Contemplation in ChungKing: an immersive psychogeography journey through the heart of Hong Kong. Screenworks. Vol 7.
Jones S. 2016. Disrupting the Narrative: finding the voice within immersive journalism. Journal of Media Practice. 18.3.
Jones S, and Callaghan, R. 2016. Immersive Journalism in Media Education. Media Education Research Journal. 7:1.
Media Education Summit. Immersive journalism as a tool for journalism education.
Boston. November 2015
Jones, S. 2014. Changing the Face of News: the Reporter as a Celebrity. Search for the Real: Authenticity and the Construction of Celebrity, ed. Andrew Sepie, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford.
Excellence in Journalism. Global News Relay, with Prof Butler Cain, West Texas A&M.
Nashville. September 2014
Celebrity Studies. Kardashian Krazy and the Sidebar of Shame: an analysis of the Mail Online.
London. June 2014.
World Journalism Education Congress. Inspiring innovation through journalism education.
Mechelen. July 2013
Celebrity Studies. Anderson Cooper: celebrity or journalist. An analysis of the changing face of television news.
Melbourne. December 2012
Celebrity: A Critical Approach. Changing the Face of News: the Reporter as a Celebrity.
Prague. March 2012
Jones, S. 2012. Changing the Face of News: the Reporter as a Celebrity Stardom: Discussions on Fame and Celebrity Culture. Ed. Katarzyna Bronk. eBook. Inter-Disciplinary.Press, ISBN: 978-1-84888-137-2.